*The ego attaches and identifies with your personal story
* it resents
* it needs to control through dominance or manipulation
* it uses manipulative gaslighting techniques in order to confuse and disorient people so they become more susceptible to their demands and emotional abuse
* it uses social media as a means to seek social status and attention
* it wants approval from others (external validation through recognition and praise)
* it craves more power over people and/or external circumstances (elitism)
* it lives in constant comparison to others
* it feels the need to be right (mental standpoint)
* it thinks it is the separate doer of actions
* it believes itself to solely be the physical body/personality
* it is conditional
* it fishes for compliments/flattery
* it promotes separation/exclusivity
* it feels unworthiness (a sense of lack) and craves more things to over-compensate (for its needs are never satisfied)
* it is uncomfortable being alone unless distracted (escapism)
* it is easily threatened and insecure
* it is over-analytical (excessive thinker)
* it has a strong sense of entitlement
* it promotes separation/exclusivity
* it feels unworthiness (a sense of lack) and craves more things to over-compensate (for its needs are never satisfied)
* it is easily threatened and insecure
* it has a strong sense of entitlement
* it feels guilt
* it gossips/opinionated/trolls
* it worries
* it is shallow (has a need to impress others)
* it overgeneralizes
* it obsesses over should, must and/or ought
* it holds grudges
* it has lacks empathy
* it has an appetite for drama (to feel significant/important)
* it focuses on past/future (at the expense of being in the present moment)
* it is emotionally reactive
* it catastrophizes (it takes a little problem and transforms it into a big, terrible, life-changing event)
* it depends on the opinions of others
* it does not trust
* it is defensive (taking things personally)
* it is co-dependent on people
* it represses emotions
* it cannot love unconditionally
* it is possessive
* it hoards/has OCD
* it accumulates
* it has unrealistic expectations of others (expecting others to meet its standards or wishes)
* it creates inner resistance to what is actually happening in life (rigid thinking)
* it seeks meaning and happiness from external things
* it is envious
* it needs to prove its self-worth through work and hobbies
* it is not comfortable with change or new viewpoints
* it lives in the dark (confusion)
* it labels and judges people and things
* it plays victim role or perpetrator
* it uses scapegoating as a defence mechanism of denial by projecting responsibility and blame onto others
* it complains
* it has low self-esteem (also known as an “inverted ego”)
* it is unconscious of itself