On May 11th, we observe  World Ego Awareness Day (WEAD). We ask for your participation in this growing global movement to raise social awareness about the Egotism. While we hope that people will educate themselves and others throughout the year, this dedicated day gives us the opportunity to collaborate and amplify each other’s understanding.

The Ego Awareness Movement and WEAD was established in 2018 to support all those that are affected with this mental condition and work towards preventing others from experiencing the effects of this invisible form of abuse.

Through education and advocacy we can help reduce the number of people throughout the world who fall victim to egotism; to increase their ability to be centered in present-moment-awareness and experience life to the fullest.  Ego Awareness Day aims to highlight the issues surrounding egotism; encouraging everyone to be mindful, raise our consciousness and speak out against narcissistic or egotistic learned behavior. Together we can work to inform, educate, deter and prevent one of the major causes of human suffering on our planet.

Research has shown that being influenced by the effects of the unobserved egoic mind can be responsible for most of our afflictions including a false sense of superiority, inferiority complex, prejudices, judging others, manipulation, rage, addictions, stress, violence, racism, sexism, the need for praise, approval, being reactionary, lack of empathy, loneliness, despair, false propaganda, religious and tribal wars and so on. All such negative and destructive traits have serious consequences in our personal relationships and the world at large.

Why participate? Many people who suffer from egotism, which is a learned form of psychological and emotional abuse, are not even aware that what they are experiencing this mental condition.  When they become aware that they are either a perpetrator or one who is being abused, they have a difficult time articulating or describing it because it is hard to put a finger on it. Therefore, resources for survivors have been made available to the public.

What can you do?  Join the movement to raise social awareness about the ego (Be an Ego Awareness Advocate)  Like-minded people, organizations and communities can help as a support system to share information on this subject with their audience through various channels such as social media, blog pages, local events and community involvement.  You can also show support by distributing our ego awareness pamphlets, flyers, or wearing our wrist bands, which can be made available. Talk to other advocates and organizations dedicated to mindfulness, awareness, life coaching, self-help, mentorship, spirituality and so forth.  Organize events or incorporate messaging into existing events in order to educate people about ‘egotism’.  Networking with others of similar orientation (whether on the internet or in person) works wonders as it allows the space for creativity, inspiration and ideas that builds a strong, united foundation. Your conscious family exists in packets throughout the world, so it’s just a matter of timing and preparation for a greater shift to emerge and spread like wildfire around the globe.

We look forward to your participation in this special event!

For more information please contact us:

Ego Awareness Movement – Home | Facebook

View the informational video here

National Awareness Days Calendars,claim%20has%20a%20big%20ego.


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